Creative Focus has successfully developed and supported dozens of clients in private industry, public service, and higher education. Browse the stories below to learn about some of these success stories:
How Accountability Through Engagement created buy-in for a new product introduction
Who: Cox Communications
Challenge: How to introduce a new cellular service to 45 individual markets
Approach: CPS tools and FourSight to match heterogeneous teams; Application of the ABC’s of innovation
Results: Achieved accountability through engagement
- Using creative positioning collaboration based on out-of-the-box thinking by 45 managers
- Business model was developed and focused on the customer
- Acceptance by managers and customers followed by success in the marketplace
- Subsequent projects involving Focus Groups and CMTI sessions resulted in a clear strategy

How Creativity on Demand turn a huge brand challenge into a great opportunity
Who: Florida’s Natural OJ
Challenge: How to make a brand name switch in 60 days with minimal cost
Approach: Using CPS tools like divergence and convergence and analytical tools
- Answered the question “How to visualize the brand’s equities?”
- Established a new identity by capitalizing on the origin of the brand
- Engaged users, employees, and management
- Changed the challenge to “How to maintain equities while altering the name”
Results: Catapulted the brand to top position
- Solving the right problem (FCC and frequently bought brand consumer habits were the vehicles)
- Created engagement with package and placement
- Fresh and Natural was changed to Florida’s Natural
- A simple creative expression saved the day!
- Continued to work with the brand for 14 years

How Collaboration and Shared Language lead to a unified campaign in Central/South America
Who: Delta Airlines
Challenge: How to establish a common identity across five countries and two different languages
Approach: Using CPS tools and visualization tools
- Addressed “How to visualize Trust”
- Established identities using a baby and the sun as codes for care, safety and energy
- Engaged travelers, employees, and management
Results: Acceptance and engagement
- Solved the right problem (Emotional strings across five cultures)
- Created engagement among employees
- Introduced collaboration and inclusion toward a common goal
- Developed a new creative expression
- Continued to work with Delta for several years

How Inclusion and a Positive Climate drove enthusiasm and positivism in a sales force
Who: Munich RE
Challenge: How to motivate a sales force towards new products and service
Approach: Using CPS people tools, culture tools and creative thinking tools
- Established heterogeneous and some homogeneous teams using FourSight
- Engaged salesforce and management
- Starting with individual thinking prior to the session and moving to group thinking on new trends it increased motivation to sell new services
Results: Enthusiasm with acceptance and engagement
- Participation drove enthusiasm and satisfaction
- Engagement in the process produced unexpected possibilities
- Collaboration and inclusion toward a common goal made buy-in easy
- Creative expression drove enthusiasm and a positive climate

How Acceptance, Collaboration, and Engagement increased internal customer support
Who: Mohawk Flooring
Challenge: How to implement 12 initiatives given to the IT department by an outside consultancy and be accountable for their results?
Approach: Conducted 13 workshops using FourSight to match heterogeneous teams
Results: Excellent collaboration and inclusion of both Dalton and Dallas employees using CPS:
- A common language was learned to address the initiatives and the internal department’s IT needs
- Career satisfaction and insider status was increased for the IT participants
- Internal customers were asked for purpose of their stated needs rather than handing them an answer and sending them away

How Matching Team Roles to Cognitive Preferences increases efficiency and improves results
Who: Emory University Goizueta Business School Course: Market Competition
Challenge: How to organize marketing students to work, in teams, on real life client challenges and produce viable results.
Approach: Using FourSight profiles formed heterogeneous teams by matching roles to cognitive preferences
- Encouraged them to understand how their cognitive profiles serve their assigned roles and expected outcomes
- Coached them to share and eliminate biases
- Improved communications skills
Results: Increased team efficiency and collaboration according to roles and tasks
- Eliminated “storming” in teams
- Opened communications
- Collaboration leading to focused results was introduced
- Excellent results for 21 years

Client Testimonials
Student Testimonials
Together we solve complex problems with new ideas that deliver value.