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Lessons in Bringing Positive Results and Creative Solutions from Legendary Facilitators

By Harry Vardis

Empathy, inclusivity and active listening

In volatile times such as these, it may be difficult for team leaders to keep those attributes in mind when managing teams working on problems that require new, creative thinking.

But there are immense advantages to doing so. For proof, look at the steady genius of successful professional facilitators. The legendary facilitators I have met in my life like George Prince, Sid Parnes, Gene Reilly, Socrates Nicolas, Bonnie Goebert, Ava Lindberg and others have earned millions of dollars for their clients over several decades  by exhibiting these characteristics with their clients but most importantly with the participants they interacted in qualitative research and creative problem solving sessions.

Very few of their consulting services have been reactionary; instead, their advice and communications have been—and remain—grounded in logic and value bringing positive results and innovative solutions. We practice these principles at Creative Focus.


Empathy is a core trait that helps you nurture your team. Empathy is in understanding others’ needs and what goes into their mind. We live in a world in which people, for many reasons, are less empathetic towards each other. Many communicate to express their perspectives but not to understand others’ perspectives.

Empathetic leaders are perceptive, and they are aware of other’s feelings and thinking. Showing empathy does not always mean to agree on other’s views, but to appreciate and have a willingness to understand.

Also, to create together a framework for risk taking and willingness to support each other when making mistakes while learning from them.


In his seminal book ‘Good to Great,’ Jim Collins shows extensive research data on how humble and willful leaders and facilitators help their teams and their companies grow and sustain their market position.

Humility is not the first trait that comes to mind when we think about consulting. But it is one of the essential qualities of a good consultant. It is because humility often gets overshadowed by the flamboyance of some consultants.

Humble and willful consultants understand the fact that their function is all about working for the greater good. They lead to transform, not dominate. They are aware of their strengths and weaknesses and always yearn to learn and contribute more.

Active Listening

Active listening is an excellent quality to have when it comes to selecting a good consultant. Good consultants listen to people with great attention and sincerity. It helps them understand people and their perspectives. Active listening builds trust and relationships in the long run. It is the art of playback with empathy for complete understanding, not just parroting.

Good consultants communicate with care, focus on the person and the message; they don’t interrupt, and they acknowledge what is being said. And that is what the world needs; consultants who listen to clients. Acquiring this skill is not easy; it needs self-awareness and humility to respect others’ thoughts

Yes, volatile times call for quick responses and fast action. But as we have suggested, there are three significant human elements that a team leader needs to possess in order to keep the long term in mind. Let us help your front-line managers to acquire these critical skills.

Creative Focus is a consulting services and facilitation company that specializes in improving team dynamics and addressing challenges requiring creative solutions. Some of our best work has been done in the sectors of telecommunications, juice drinks, agrichemicals, banking, insurance, technology services, health care, home improvements and other consumer categories.

In the business-to-business category Creative Focus has done work in transportation, Wall Street, banking, plastics, and other categories too numerous to mention. Additionally, creative problem-solving applications has been an area where we have been of greatest help to our clients.

Empathy, inclusivity and active listening have been the ingredients responsible for success stories we can share in these categories and we can train your mid-level managers to apply them in your organization.

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